EMC is a professional term, the full name is Electromagnetic Magnetic Compatibility, Chinese is electromagnetic compatibility. EMC means that electronic equipment or network systems have a certain ability to resist electromagnetic interference, and at the same time cannot generate excessive electromagnetic radiation. It can be simply explained that the device or network system is required to work normally in a relatively harsh electromagnetic environment, and at the same time, excessive electromagnetic waves cannot be radiated to interfere with the normal operation of other surrounding devices and networks.
EMC consists of two parts: EMI (Electromagnetic Magnetic Interference) and EMS (Electromagnetic Susceptibility). This noise will not play its due role in other systems, but it is not good for the machine itself; EMI in Chinese is electromagnetic disturbance test, and its purpose is: to detect Effects of electromagnetic radiation generated by electronic products on the human body. Public network and other electronic products that work normally. We understand EMS as electromagnetic sensitivity, which means that when the machine performs its due functions, it will not be affected by the surrounding electromagnetic environment.